Special Meeting - World Voice Day

Description: Our 2 hour weekly meeting on Apr 15th is dedicated to the voice. The theme for the evening is 'the voice' and the different sections of the meeting will have a 'voice' aspect. A member of our club will address warmup exercises for…

April 8th 2019 meeting best speeches and evaluations winners

Dear fellows Toastmasters, here are the winners from our session of tonight. We hope to see you next week for a special night for the World Voice Day!

2019 Division Contest Results

Benoît, Daniel and Sabrya from our Toastmasters club where representing Area 62 at the Toastmasters G Division contests for speeches and evaluations on March 23rd. Congratulation to Sabrya for her 2nd place at the, Daniel for his 3rd place…
CN Collaborators Toastmasters winners of the area contest 2019

Club Contests Results

Club Speech and Evaluation Contests - January 28th 2019 The CN Collaborators Toastmasters club held its annual Speech Contests and Evaluation Contest on Monday, January 28th. Congrats to all participants for lovely performances and a big thank…

January 28: Club Contests

It's contest time! Every year, each Toastmasters club holds contests for the International Speech contest (typically inspirational speeches) and the Speech Evaluation Contest (a target speaker presents a speech, and all contestants get to evaluate…
CN Collaborators Toastmasters website launch

New Website

Welcome to our club's new website! We hope you find the information that you are looking for. If you discover bugs, typos or want further details about our Club or the Toastmasters program, please contact us!