Contests are a Toastmasters tradition. Each year, thousands of Toastmasters compete in the Table Topics and International speech contests. Competition begins with club contests and winners continue competing through the area, division, district… 11:53:022019-11-30 11:54:45December 9TH 2019 - Club Contest
Arriving in Montreal and Canada for the first time, in April 2018, I did not have any friends back then. That’s when I decided to join the CN Collaborators Toastmasters Club. Since that time, being at the club has tremendously helped me to…
Toastmasters International rates its clubs on how well they encourage members to pursue their personal public speaking and leadership goals/designations.
When a Toastmaster club possesses characteristics of quality, the member experience is… 17:47:392020-04-03 18:13:34CN Collaborators Toastmasters Club is a recognized club
Hi everyone!
On June 8th 2019, I will be thrilled to present my speech "A Sense of Scale". For this project, I am required to practice using the Internet as a medium for references before and after the speech. This simulates real-life professional… Gelinas Gelinas2019-06-05 00:15:062020-01-03 06:15:22Speech: A Sense of Scale
Our members are so committed to the club they insisted on having a meeting on Easter Monday (April 22nd) at 18h. We do have 3 speakers on the schedule, come visit us for free! 14:38:452020-01-03 06:15:53Easter Monday Meeting - April 22nd 18:00
On Monday, April 15, “World Voice Day”, CN Collaborators Toastmasters hosted a special evening around this theme. During the evening, the club had the chance to welcome special guests from the Toastmasters family.
This evening was listened… 11:24:392019-05-07 11:50:36World Voice Day at CN Collaborators
Description: Our 2 hour weekly meeting on Apr 15th is dedicated to the voice. The theme for the evening is 'the voice' and the different sections of the meeting will have a 'voice' aspect. A member of our club will address warmup exercises for… 11:46:212019-04-15 11:46:21Special Meeting - World Voice Day
December 9TH 2019 - Club Contest
Kenny (Treasurer)
November 11th 2019 meeting Cancelled
CN Collaborators Toastmasters Club is a recognized club
St-Jean-Baptiste (June 24th) and Confederation (July 1st) Holiday
Speech: A Sense of Scale
Easter Monday Meeting - April 22nd 18:00
World Voice Day at CN Collaborators
Special Meeting - World Voice Day
April 8th 2019 meeting best speeches and evaluations winners