Division G International Speech and Table Topics Contests!
CN Collaborators Toastmasters Cub is proud to have two members as participants of the Division G International Speech Contests!
The contests will showcase a variety of speakers and styles. You will have the opportunity to enjoy some inspirational speakers. The winners from both contests will compete in the District 61 contest
Connect and support our contestants, you won’t regret it! On March 21st at 2 P.M.
https://zoom.us/j/273751986 (One tap mobile +12045151268,,273751986# Canada)
The International Speech Contest is the most important of all Toastmasters Contests. The speech must be an original speech of 5-7 minutes and can be serious, funny, or inspirational. Competitors of the International Speech Contest may go on to compete at the District, and International level. The International Speech Contest is the only one that goes all the way to the International competition level – where the World Champion of Public Speaking is decided!